sHaLynNni3s' bLog3reLLa........

Friday, August 11, 2006


My second semester just ended. Time seems to be passing by really fast. (I have nothing against cliches, so sue me). I had fun, but there were bad times as well. Let's start with the good part first. Hmm, let me see. The world cup. There were dissapointments,(READ:The England team managed to under-perform, yet again...) Discovered that I am getting better in understanding match officials and players. And Italy found a fan in me the day they changed their style of playing.
Scary events? The day a 'JUMPING-GRASSHOPPER' decided to take a stroll in my room.Im smart enough to know that grasshoppers do jump,but this guy(im assuming its a male cuz im a female and i havent come across gay grasshoppers yet,but that doesnt mean there aren't any gay grasshoppers.Let's just say that my instincts said it was a guy.)jumps really high,and it was jumping towards me!! My friend Alice,the superhero saved my life (and the grasshoppers' life cuz im pretty sure it would have died of culture shock anyway).Thanks Alice!
Fun stuff? It was fun helping out for the charity dance night. My overused phrase of that period "BUT IT'S FOR CHARITY"(accompanied with a really cute smile :) There were giltches here and there but it was great overall. My friends and I had fun that night. I also managed to get lubricant on my hair. And i went to bed without bathing cuz i didnt know about that and i was too sleepy anyway. But come to think about it, it's something like petroleum jelly, and you use that as lip balm, so i figured it cant be that bad!(im starting to reason like elle wood,and im not even blond...yet.)
My sense of direction hasn't improved either. On the last day of the semester, i ALMOST entered the wrong class.We were having exams at that time,and i went to the toilet in between papers. I think i know why this is happening,its because i tend to think too much and not really concentrate on my surrondings(i never fail to notice cute guys though). So i guess thats why i have a bad sense of direction. Thats my theory for now anyway.
It was fun hanging out with shareen and eevonn too. Gossiping and talking about loads of stuff.Girls do have more fun than boys!(Strictly my opinion,so don't challenge me on that one)Sorry for the messy room, but i did have an explanation!
Ohh,and i felt proud buying my own dettol and soap powder!Gosh,that made me feel all grown up!Im still short though,but who cares cuz i think the cute guys are getting shorter anyway.Ok,i confess,I do not think most cute guys are short.I only say that to make me happy.So yea, most cute guys are short anyway!
Is it just me or am i starting to sound 'girlish'???!!!!!!!
There's more bad stuff.I forgot to bring my ever so comfortable blanket. For two whole weeks,i had to sleep through cold, chilly nights.
And there was the time my fan decided to take a 'break'. Honestly, those were the 'hottest' days of my life! The worst period was when my grandma passed away. I was confused about a lot of stuff at that time. I'll never stop loving u.....
That's all for now. Till i get in the 'blogging mood' again! lol.


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Vikneshan said...

Without bathing huh? doesnt sound alien at all lol...

What worries me is the last sentence... wonder when that is

At 1:56 AM, Blogger shalynni3_07 said...

lol...doesn't sound alien?
i wonder why....hmmm
are you afraid of bathrooms?
lol,ill try my best to blog more often!

At 1:52 AM, Blogger keishaowen said...

Gay grasshopper?
LMAO in all my 18 years of life, I have NEVER heard of that!
*shakes head to get rid of visual image of gay grasshoppers humpin.. i mean hopping*

At 7:03 AM, Blogger shalynni3_07 said...



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