sHaLynNni3s' bLog3reLLa........

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The holidays are coming to an end....

It’s nice to have holidays…especially when you’re having it after a long time.
My routine goes haywire. I sleep and wake up as I please, or till my cell phone wakes me up. No assignments, no exams, no alarm clocks. I’m not complaining.
……Lots of television watching and shopping.
But just when you start to have fun, the fun ends! Back to college again next week. I’m not complaining, I’m simply blogging.

I hate to pack. Not that I’m lazy or anything, but I ALWAYS end up sneezing non-stop whenever I attempt to pack. And no, having a pink nose is NOT adorable. My mom says I should cover my nose with a handkerchief when I pack. I’m not sure why, but I never do that. Not that I’m stubborn or anything like that. It turns me off. I won’t be able to pack then. It’s like you see this drop-dead gorgeous guy smiling at you, and you start thinking that there is a God, and then he starts speaking in a weird accent, and you’re like WTF!!!

Lessons start tomorrow. I’ll have to wake up early. I’m still not complaining…

Certain memories of 2006

I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to blog.

Debating is more fun when you’re up against a team comprising of very good looking guys. Had lots of fun during those 2 days with Bharathy and Latha. Rushing here and there with ‘killer’ shoes….that is quite a feat itself!

Waking up early in the morning to catch the world cup matches. I remember setting 3 alarm clocks (I only set 2 alar m clocks on normal days). Watching football while sporting the ‘outta bed’ look. Going to class the same day with the ‘outta bed’ look.

Having conversations while brushing teeth…while trying my best not to choke on toothpaste. I wouldn’t mind so much if I had strawberry-flavoured toothpaste though.

I’m too sleepy to think. Good night.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holidays are supposed to be..........??!!

Contact lenses suck. Period.

I know how to change a flat tyre . I might be wearing a skirt and girly shoes, but I insist that I know how to change a flat tyre.

I still talk too much.

I still mess up the kitchen whenever I ‘attempt’ to cook.

The chee cheong fun lady still remembers me despite the fact that it has been more than a year since I’ve bought food from her. Her mother still calls me ‘tau fu ah moi’! lol

I need to use my glasses more often.

It can be very lonely when your guitar string snaps.

I still cant’t swim. I drink more pool water than swim.

Being single isn’t all that bad. Besides, you get to flirt with guys without feeling guilty.

Santa clause doesn’t exist. The ones you see in shopping malls aren’t real.

I’m actually nineteen years old. I don’t feel nineteen though. Is it just me or am I getting ‘old’ ?

I’d like to think my sense of direction is improving, despite what other people say.

Don’t bring Chinese tea into a rock concert.

I get teased a lot, but I still love my friends. You guys are the best!

It’s nice to have long holidays once in a while.

It’s nice to have a ‘blackout’ once in a while. You get to do things you normally don’t do. (I don’t mean that, you perverts)

Friday, August 11, 2006


My second semester just ended. Time seems to be passing by really fast. (I have nothing against cliches, so sue me). I had fun, but there were bad times as well. Let's start with the good part first. Hmm, let me see. The world cup. There were dissapointments,(READ:The England team managed to under-perform, yet again...) Discovered that I am getting better in understanding match officials and players. And Italy found a fan in me the day they changed their style of playing.
Scary events? The day a 'JUMPING-GRASSHOPPER' decided to take a stroll in my room.Im smart enough to know that grasshoppers do jump,but this guy(im assuming its a male cuz im a female and i havent come across gay grasshoppers yet,but that doesnt mean there aren't any gay grasshoppers.Let's just say that my instincts said it was a guy.)jumps really high,and it was jumping towards me!! My friend Alice,the superhero saved my life (and the grasshoppers' life cuz im pretty sure it would have died of culture shock anyway).Thanks Alice!
Fun stuff? It was fun helping out for the charity dance night. My overused phrase of that period "BUT IT'S FOR CHARITY"(accompanied with a really cute smile :) There were giltches here and there but it was great overall. My friends and I had fun that night. I also managed to get lubricant on my hair. And i went to bed without bathing cuz i didnt know about that and i was too sleepy anyway. But come to think about it, it's something like petroleum jelly, and you use that as lip balm, so i figured it cant be that bad!(im starting to reason like elle wood,and im not even blond...yet.)
My sense of direction hasn't improved either. On the last day of the semester, i ALMOST entered the wrong class.We were having exams at that time,and i went to the toilet in between papers. I think i know why this is happening,its because i tend to think too much and not really concentrate on my surrondings(i never fail to notice cute guys though). So i guess thats why i have a bad sense of direction. Thats my theory for now anyway.
It was fun hanging out with shareen and eevonn too. Gossiping and talking about loads of stuff.Girls do have more fun than boys!(Strictly my opinion,so don't challenge me on that one)Sorry for the messy room, but i did have an explanation!
Ohh,and i felt proud buying my own dettol and soap powder!Gosh,that made me feel all grown up!Im still short though,but who cares cuz i think the cute guys are getting shorter anyway.Ok,i confess,I do not think most cute guys are short.I only say that to make me happy.So yea, most cute guys are short anyway!
Is it just me or am i starting to sound 'girlish'???!!!!!!!
There's more bad stuff.I forgot to bring my ever so comfortable blanket. For two whole weeks,i had to sleep through cold, chilly nights.
And there was the time my fan decided to take a 'break'. Honestly, those were the 'hottest' days of my life! The worst period was when my grandma passed away. I was confused about a lot of stuff at that time. I'll never stop loving u.....
That's all for now. Till i get in the 'blogging mood' again! lol.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Whenever i see this sign, i immediately touch the newly painted thing without thinking. I wonder why i do that though.
Maybe they put that sign up on purpose. Maybe they forgot to take it down.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

First of all, I need to apologise to my blog, for “abandoning” it for some time. It’s not that I did it on purpose, it umm just happened. It’ll never happen again! I can’t promise via typing because that should be done using words. Phew, I feel much better now. OK, enough about my blog. I’ve just completed my first semester in college, and there are a few things that I’ve discovered about myself during this time.

annoying rules that get on your nerves(which also catalyzes the production of “funny” signals in your brain that makes one act in a “funny” way)
As far as I’m concern ,these rules are made by some person suffering from an incurable type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Besides it only serves to provoke me. I hate obeying rules. Especially ones that don’t really make sense.The rules here are less restricting and that suits me just fine because rules are meant to be broken anyway ; )
I can wear my hair as I please (yup,even the messy,outta bed look) and not worry about the discipline teacher or have prefects fine me.Not that I ever settled the outstanding “summons”,but that’s a different story. Actually,I wouldn’t mind paying up if all the money collected was eventually donated to some charity fund. But instead, it is used to finance the prefects’ end of the year party. So forget it!

my sense of direction(or lack thereof)
I’ve never really realized that my sense of direction was that bad. To be honest, I did suspect something was amiss when I started driving. But getting lost in college after 3 months being there…that’s just mystifying! Honestly, walking into the wrong class isn’t
amusing. It’s mortifying! But try telling my friends that. They think it’s hilarious!
I really need to figure out why this is happening to ONLY me!

boarding the wrong bus
This is a long,long,long story. Lets just say that what was supposed to be a 20 minute ride became a 2 hour one. I wonder if this is in any way connected to my bad sense of direction…..

Seriously,with only 24 hours in a day,one needs to multi-task.
Completing my assignment while chatting while listening to music while tying to figure what CD to play next while texting my friend, that has become a routine.

In the mornings its-taking my breakfast while combing my hair while listening to the radio while packing my bags while trying to think if I’ve completed my assignments while searching for my room keys.
Alright, that’s a little exaggerated. It’s not literally “multi-tasking”,but I assure you that all of those things are done in a very short time.

my issue with the rain
I do my laundry by myself (unlike some people I know). So I find it absolutely disrespectful for the rain to come crashing down on it. There are no words to describe the sight of your 75% dried clothes getting soaked in the rain. No,wait,there is a word….horrifying. My advice is, NEVER be fooled by the weather-girl’s, innocent voice. (same goes if she’s a guy)
The good thing is, my weather predicting skills have gotten better. On days I don’t hang out my clothes to dry that is.

microscopes don’t really find me hot
Everything was going fine. My paramecium looked umm, ”luminous” under the microscope. It was such a joy to watch it. The kinda joy parents’ feel when their baby starts to walk. When I was about to draw “it”, “it” decided to go for a stroll in lala-land.
Luckily my friend let me use her amoeba and I managed to hand in my report on time. My paramecium was way cuter though.

I never knew that there was a sport involving Frisbees where the players were all humans.
It’s fun to play. But it would have been even more enjoyable if the frisbee didn’t always sway 90 degrees off the person I’m supposed to throw it to.Wonder if this is in anyway related to my bad sense of directon……..

Monday, December 26, 2005


Well,where do I start. I was actually looking forward to Rock The World 5, which was last year ,obviously. However, I was forced to attend National Service and sneaking out from there isn’t exactly a stroll in the park. In fact it was anything but a park. It was a jungle .Cuz you know,I think too much and tend to over analyse things,so naturally I thought of the concequences if I was to be caught during my escapade.
And it wasn’t appealing. Ok, back to the topic, I basically wanted to see what the hype was all about.
A few bands were not bad, but nothing original though. There were also some that wasn’t actually to my taste, to put it in a polite way. Cuz I still don’t see what is so ‘entertaining’ when someone screams and yells through the entire song. Wait a minute, what song?
The best part was we actually got to take pictures with Jason Lo! I liked him since I was like twelve I think. We actually saw him earlier,outside the stadium, but I don’t know why I didn’t go up and say hi. I didn’t wanna seem to eager I guess. Control macho in a feminine way.I know it sounds stupid, but I don’t know why I did that.
But I couldn’t care less the second time around! Fyi, he totally rocked the show. Did I mention he’s gorgeous too? Gosh!
The crowd? Pretty ‘interesting’. Some looked freaky, with their highly ‘imaginative’ way of piercing. Some looked like they’ve just flown in from the seventies. Some actually had nice hair. They were many Avril wannabes too,girls and guys alike. Thank God I have grown out of that “phase”. The sucky part was that we didn’t get to see Pop Shuvit. I also think that they should invite girl bands too.
In summation, it was not bad. Sure,they could improve on a lot of things but I don’t really care cuz I’ve always supported Malaysian artists.

p/s PIRACY SUCKS! Don’t support piracy where Malaysian artists are concern….

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Hmm,this blog was supposed to be ‘blogged’ a long time ago. I’ve been busy actually.And it had nothing to do with procrastination on my part.(yeah right,who am I kidding)

They were actually a fun,quirky bunch. The word playful is more apt to describe them. Sometimes I wonder if I am actually the youngest one around! The most interesting character? Well there’s this lady who tries to be the boss every moment she can,but she can be very nice and funny at the same time too.She also wears a wig ala Cleopetra.Go figure.

Naturally,if you’re working as a part-time waitress,you are condemned to break stuff. That’s what I thought anyway. I did wonder at times as to when I’d be making my debut in breaking glassware. It was a matter of time actually. And no,I didn’t feel thrilled. It was certainly NOT like being on some cloud with the identification number nine.But the amazing part was it only happened twice. For a sort of clumsy person like me,that’s one heck of a feat.

And the worst part is there’s this saying that goes “customers are always right”. Well so says my manager.
Some can get pretty annoying as well.Yet we have to speak “politely”and smile!That’s just evil.

They’re just plain fussy! I personally think they were over-pampered when they were kids.You know,the ones who got every single barbie/monster figurine they demanded.

These lot always act as though they’ve got to catch a plane in the next five minutes. I highly doubt they know how to cook.Or maybe there’re just oblivious.On second thoughts,they might have been those kids whose parents attended to them the mili-second they start crying.

Well,these are my favourite!Lol.

The band was alright.Very friendly people.But I have to say those girls cold-bloodedly ‘murdered’ My Immortal. I swear my version is better than theirs…on my good-vocal day that is.

The thing that I miss most about work… colleagues!
Too bad I had to “resign” when things were getting fun!
To be honest,I miss the coffee machine too……